Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Have I mentioned that it snowed?

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Those poor birds

The poor Hungarian Partridges who have been living in our backyard don't seem terribly impressed by our blizzard.

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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Frozen poultry

Edmonton is being hit with one of those April blizzards this morning, and the Hungarian Partridges who have been frequenting our backyard are not too happy about it. (I can't say I'm thrilled either.)

A new video of them shot this morning below.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

NEWS FLASH: West Edmonton Mall's penguins return to Antarctica to escape frigid Edmonton winter

I feel obliged to mention that it is still freaking cold in Edmonton. Tonight's low is going to be -39 with a windchill of -50, and tomorrow morning when I go to work, it's going to be a brisk -38.

The cold snap should break by the weekend, when temperatures will reach a comparatively tropical -18. Hoo-freaking-ray.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Global warming, you say?

Edmonton's forecast for the next 24 hours:

Currently: -25, windchill -40
Monday morning: -29, windchill -44
