Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wacky soccer goal!


Monday, February 18, 2008


Took some video this weekend while at the soccer tournament.

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Game 3

The tournament ended with a 4-2 loss against the Grassland Amazons ... er, Strikers. Whatever. That team was gigantic.


Game 2

Game 2 this morning saw my daughter's team lose 3-0, leaving us out of the medal round. We play the 5-6 consolation game in about an hour, and then homeward we go.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Game 1

Our team lost 3-2. Back tomorrow at 10:15 a.m. for Game 2


Waiting for the first game to start

I'm sitting at a free Internet kiosk at the soccer centre in Red Deer waiting for our first game to start. Things are running behind here today due to an injury earlier in the day that apparently required an ambulance to be brought in. Our first game won't start until about 8:45 p.m.


And we're off!

We're heading out of town this afternoon for a soccer tournament. Check back in a couple of days for results and, perhaps, pictures.

In the meantime, I'm suffering from a bad head cold. I'm so heavily medicated right now, I'd never pass an Olympic drug test.


Friday, February 15, 2008

A little bit of vindication

Originally uploaded by mjenkinson

My older daughter tried out for her indoor soccer team as a keeper. She made the team as the backup keeper but was basically never allowed to play because she was the backup, the coach was very competitive and wanted to win, and it left my daughter in a bad situation. She practiced as a keeper, but always played forward during the games.

So, last night, with the team out of the playoffs, my daughter was finally allowed to play keeper.

Her team won, 4-0.

Go figure. She can play keeper!
