Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


In Edmonton, a bell is not only mandatory equipment on a bike, said bell is to be used when passing a pedestrian.

Fine. But all the bell ringing in the world makes no difference when 90% of joggers on bike paths are wearing iPods and wouldn't hear a helicopter dropping on them.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

I want to ride my bicycle ...

I picked up one of these babies today (A Giant Cypress DX). My wife got a similar model last week. I rode it and loved it, and decided to get one of my own. I've turned to cycling as my major form of exercise this summer because running is just causing me too many injuries. So far, I'm enjoying it greatly, and have been exploring the river valley trails for really the first time since I moved to Edmonton more than a decade ago.

If I get really brave, I'll be ride to work a bit this summer, too.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

I know her!

Heels, not hoodies: cycling goes high style
On a recent night at the opera, Sarah Chan, 34 weeks pregnant, glowed in a simple black dress, cheerful green cardigan and red heels.

I post this from the Edmonton Journal because Sarah Chan taught both my kids piano and is a supercool person, and I just wanted to share that.

And check out Sarah's blog: Girls and Bicycles.
