Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Retreat of the Peruvian Missionaries!

Sadly, our visit with the Invading Peruvian Missionaries came to an end a day early due to shifting weather conditions that required them to get on the road sooner rather than later.

Still, it was a fantastic week. Brad and Lori are great friends and wonderful servants of Jesus Christ.

It was an honour and a blessing to have them stay with us for the time they did. It was a treat to meet Francesca, the Peruvian girl they brought with them. And their kids got along fabulously with our kids.

Hopefully, we can go visit them in Peru some day.

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Invasion of the Peruvian Missionaries!

In a few hours, my family will be playing host to a couple of old friends - Brad and Lori Quiring, who are missionaries in Peru - and their kids, not to mention a Peruvian girl who they brought to Canada to show her the country.

This means there will be 10 of us staying in our house for the next 10 days.

Any TV producers who would like to shoot a reality show during the next week should contact me immediately.

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