Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dude, It's always Saturday in space

Dude, It's Always Saturday in Space
Newswriter to whole room: I've always wondered something. When they say the space shuttle is returning to earth on Saturday, is it also Saturday in space? Or do you think it's a different day up there?

Gainesville, Georgia

Overheard by: not sure what i'm doing here
via Overheard in the Office, May 18, 2009

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Just Need to Know If It's Really Gonna Hit My Eye Like a Big Pizza Pie

Just Need to Know If It's Really Gonna Hit My Eye Like a Big Pizza Pie

Caller: I need to speak to your meteorologist now.
Producer: Sorry, she's gone to dinner.
Caller: But I really need to know about the moon. Will she be saying anything about the moon tonight during the news?
Producer: What are you, a werewolf?

News Station
Jackson, Mississippi

via Overheard in the Office, Feb 12, 2009

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

... Back When It Was A Swedish Colony

...Back When It Was a Swedish Colony
Actor #1: I can't believe that Barack Obama is getting away with running for president! I thought you had to be born in the United States.
Actor #2: He was born in the United States.
Actor #1: Nooooo! He was born in Hawaii!

Equity Audition Center
New York City, New York
via Overheard in the Office, Sep 25, 2008

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

When Art History Majors Enter the Workforce

When Art-History Majors Enter the Workforce
Teller #1: How am I over my cash limit? I just transferred you $30,000!
Teller #2: Did you put the transfer through right?
Teller #1: Yeah! I had $60,000. How am I still over my limit of $20,000?
Teller #2: You had $60,000.
Teller #1: Yes.
Teller #2: And you transferred me $30,000.
Teller #1: Uh huh.
Teller #2: What does that leave you with?
Teller #1: Oooooh...

Buffalo, New York

Overheard by: They handle your money, people!
via Overheard in the Office, Sep 5, 2008

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