Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Friday, April 24, 2009

Bonus Friday afternoon humor!

Moving on to the Case Of Muffet V. Spider...
Father to son in stroller: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall; Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; Humpty Dumpty hired a great lawyer; Humpty Dumpty sued the pants of the wall maker.

K Street
Washington, DC
via Overheard Everywhere, Apr 23, 2009

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Hockey Mask and Mug Of Syrup Were Also Excellent Clues

The Hockey Mask and Mug Of Syrup Were Also Excellent Clues
Student #1: So what do you think, eh?
Student #2: Are you Canadian?
Student #1: Why in the world are you asking me that? Is it because I said "eh"?
Student #2: Well, yeah.
Student #1: That is a total misconception! Not all Canadians end sentences with the word "eh"! I can't believe you think that!
Student #2: (thinking it over) So are you?
Student #1: Canadian? Yes.

Chicago, Illinois

Overheard by: Laughing as I pass

via Overheard Everywhere, Apr 14, 2009

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Monday, February 23, 2009

The Real World's Sadly Lacking in Noble Causes Worth Fighting For

The Real World's Sadly Lacking in Noble Causes Worth Fighting for
20-something girl to boyfriend: You're such a nerd.
Boyfriend: We prefer "Men of Gondor."
Overheard by: Corey
via Overheard Everywhere, Feb 23, 2009

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Friday, January 2, 2009

Are You Doing This Deliberately?

Are You Doing This Deliberately?
Employee #1: Is George Harrison the guy that directed Star Wars?
Employee #2: No that's George Lucas.
Employee #1: Oh, but he was in Star Wars then.
Employee #2: No, that's Harrison Ford.
Employee #1: Oh. Wasn't Frank Sinatra in The Beatles?

Addison, Texas
via Overheard in the Office, Dec 25, 2008

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

... not the worst Canadian marketing slogan I've heard ...

Ad: Canadia-- Come for the Chicken, Stay for the Toilets!
Swedish tourist: We came here for the chicken, but will remember it for the toilets.

Swiss Chalet

Overheard by: Glad I didn't go downstairs...
via Overheard Everywhere, Nov 25, 2008

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Photocopier Picked My Pocket

10AM The Photocopier Picked My Pocket
Session leader: Now at this point, if you've been convicted guilty of a felony crime, I'll have to ask you to leave.
(one woman starts to walk out of crowded auditorium, abruptly stops halfway)
Woman: Oh, wait! What is counterfeiting?
Session leader: Mam, were you guilty?
Woman: Yes. Oh, wait. No. The trial's still going on.

Mebane, North Carolina
via Overheard in the Office, Sep 18, 2008

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Overheard Everywhere

Obviously Not
Student #1: I have to go to class.
Student #2: Which one?
Student #1: Quantum physics.
Student #2: Is that where you go back in time to set right what once went wrong?
Overheard by: Sydney

via Overheard Everywhere, Aug 25, 2008

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