Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mike's Mini Music Review: Newsboys - In The Hands of God

I have a general rule for albums: If there are three good songs on it (read: three songs I really like), I don't regret the purchase.

By that standard, the Newsboys' brand new album, In The Hands of God, is a fine purchase, as it passes my general rule, with a minimum of three songs that I'll listen to lots. The title track has been a big hit on Christian radio, and as I've written about before, it's a song that really surprises you with the way it builds. My Friend Jesus is a rather amusing ditty about - wait for it - being on hold with tech support. No, really. But that's what makes the song work - it pulls something profound out of something so mundane. (It's a song that I'd expect to hear Relient K or Stellar Kart sing, actually.) Lead Me to the Cross is a pretty powerful worship oriented ballad.

The rest of the album? Eh ... it's a decidedly mixed bag. Dance starts out really well, but the chorus doesn't work for me. The Way We Roll is just OK. But The Upside is kinda nifty - kind of a throwback summer song that you'd play with your windows down.

Worth picking up if you're a fan of the Newsboys.

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Friday, March 27, 2009

The New Newsboys

Sorry ... I'm just not sold on Michael Tait as lead singer yet.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Late slip - My favorite Christian albums of 2008

(I meant to write this post, like, three months ago, and just forgot. But what the heck.)

I bought Run Kid Run's "Love At The Core" album yesterday off iTunes, and have been loving it to death for the last 24 hours. That got me thinking of some of my fave Christian music from last year. Looking through my album collection, I'd have to narrow it down to three albums:

Newsboys - Houston, We Are Go
Downhere - Ending is Beginning
Starfield - I Will Go

The Newsboys live album produced what was my favorite song of the year (and, actually, the year before, too, seeing as they've done several versions of it) in "I Am Free." It's a great rocker and it sounds awesome live.

Downhere put together was I think was, front to back, my favorite album of the entire year. It's the album that I can put in my car stereo any time and enjoy it.

But Starfield produced a fantastic album that had my favorite worship song of the year in "Reign In Us." Plus, about half the songs on the album are now part of the worship signing in our church.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Newsboys - In the Hands of God

Sometimes, songs just sneak up on you.

The Newsboys have a new single out - In the Hands of God (available on their Myspace).

My very first impressions of of the song were that it was a soft, quiet worship ballad and that it was OK at best. Disappointing, even.

Then we got to the second verse and the reprise of the chorus, and it was a catchy little pop tune.

By the time the bridge and final chorus started, it was a full-blown pop-rock song with some great harmonies and a bass line and drum beat that requires you to start getting your feet off the ground.

So, yeah, it's awesome. You should listen to it. And give it a chance. It'll sneak up on you.


Friday, October 31, 2008

Newsboys - I Am Free

Hmmm ... watching this older clip ... the Houston We Are Go CD may have been less "live" than advertised ...

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Newsboys - Houston We Are Go - CD/DVD Review

I have to admit ... I've been hot and cold on the Newsboys. Way back when, I liked their connection to Steve Taylor and their goofy, humorous songs, and thought they were funny and thought provoking. Then I kind of lost touch with them and what I did hear from them was more worship-oriented music, which was fine for what it was, but there are a billion bands that do worship music and it didn't exactly gravitate me towards their CDs.

Then I heard the live version of "I Am Free."

That song single-handedly got me back into listening to the Newsboys. I'm not a rabid fan (they'd be no higher than my fourth or fifth favorite band right now), but I've got enough of an appreciation of their music to spend a few bucks on the new Houston We Are Go live CD/DVD. Well, that and my general love for live albums.

I'm still watching the DVD (literally, as I type this), and I've listened to most of the CD. It's really good. Nothing surprising. The Newsboys have a very polished sound that doesn't sound *that* much different compared to their studio albums. But it's absolutely a fun listen (and completely slick DVD). If you're a fan, you probably already own it. If you're not a fan, this is a pretty decent "best of" collection that will introduce you to all facets of the band.

Thumbs up.

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Newsboys - Live

newsboys LIVE trailer from Inpop Records on Vimeo.

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Music currently on order

Tomorrow is the release of Downhere's new album, Ending is Beginning. I'll be getting that one off iTunes before I head into work tomorrow.

I also have three other albums headed my way in the mail: Skillet's Comatose Come Alive CD/DVD; Newsboys Live: Houston We Are Go CD/DVD; and Toby Mac's Alive and Transported CD/DVD combo.

Hey, I'm a sucker for live concert albums. Plus, I need some concerts to watch on the iPod while we do our long drives to visit family.

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