Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Firefox 3 Release Candidate 1

Mozilla Firefox 3 Release Candidate 1 is Out | Compiler from Wired.com

As mentioned below, I upgraded to the release candidate of Firefox 3 today (actually, late yesterday), and it's really fast and "light." In that regard, it's a tremendous improvement over version 2.

My only complaint is that yesterday it was remembering all my saved passwords and logins. Today, it is not. And I can't figure out why. Basically, every time I start the browser, it requires me to re-enter all my login names and passwords. And when you've got as much social media stuff going on at the same time (like Blogger, YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, etc.) as I do, that's a lot of logging into stuff several times per day.

I tried to downgrade back to 2.014, and it wouldn't let me, so I'm just hoping that the final release version of FF3.0 fixes this problem. Cuz if it doesn't, I'm going to have to nuke my installation, including my profile, start fresh, and rebuild all my logins and bookmarks from scratch, which won't be much fun.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tonight's geeking-out roundup

Stories courtesy of Wired. Better headlines courtesy the former newspaper editor. (That would be me, by the way.)

Firefox goes on a memory diet.

Facebook gets a facelift.

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Firefox weirdness

As I mentioned below, I downloaded and installed the Firefox 3 Beta 3 last week, and found it to be quite spiffy, even if had broken most of my extensions.

I had been using it for a few days and not thinking to much about it when I realized that all my extensions were back. And some of the Beta 3 changes were gone.

Apparently, Firefox had downloaded the latest patch for Firefox 2.0 and in the process, it "updated" itself from version 3B3 to version 2.0012. So, now, when I start FF, I get the updated 2.0012 ... except for the odd time it actually starts up version 3B3.

In short, I seem to be using some kind of mutant version 2.0012-Beta3 combo browser. I would download the beta version again, but I much prefer having my extensions back to using the faster Version 3, so at this point, I'm going to wait for the release version of 3 and stick with my mutant hybrid browser.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Firefox 3 Beta 3

On an absolute whim tonight, I decided to download the new Firefox beta browser. I'm about 10 minutes into testing it out, but the 3.0 beta 3 sure feels a lot faster than the 2.0 version.

So far, the only downside is that some of my Firefox extensions have been disabled, but that's to be expected when experimenting with unreleased software. Otherwise, though, it's quite the little upgrade.

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