Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Friday, March 20, 2009

Explaining today's newspaper decline in three sentences

Why do we let you read our product for free online? Good question. We have no choice but to do so, because everyone else does.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More Sun cuts - say goodbye to Neil Waugh

I was very saddened today to learn that my former colleague Neil Waugh was cut by the Sun today after a long career there. Neil and I worked together for 10 years at the Sun (including a span where I his editor), and while was an old grump at times, he was our old grump, dammit, and we loved him for it.

Seriously ... beneath his tough exterior, Neil was a great guy to know. He had a steel trap memory for the goings-on in provincial politics, and loved his role as the irascible outsider looking in.

The shocked faces in the press gallery today said it all - he was well loved by his co-workers and colleagues in the media and at the Legislature and he'll be missed. An era has ended at the Alberta Legislature.

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

The story that I never wrote myself

For anyone who ever wanted to really know about my departure from the Edmonton Sun and my transition into a new career, the Ryerson Review of Journalism interviewed me all about it for their article "After The Buyout".

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It was one year ago today ...

... that I got cut from the Edmonton Sun.

Just noting that for posterity.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

NEW! Shared items

The keen-eyed among you will have noticed that I now have a "shared items" applet along the right-hand side of the page. I have several dozen blog feeds in my Google Reader (an amazing application), and from time to time, I'll be marking items there that I think my readership (all 4 of you) might be interested in reading as well. Or not.

The items can be clicked one at a time, or you can click the "read more" link to read all the items in my list.

Currently, there's some MMA news, a good article on the death of Christian rock pioneer Larry Norman, and and older link to the day I got cut from the Edmonton Sun.

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