Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Downhere/Building 429 concert review

Had a fun few hours last night at West Edmonton Christian Assembly watching one of my favorite Christian bands – Downhere – live in concert for the first time. They were the openers for Building 429, but it was apparent from the moment that the host came out to welcome us to the show that Downhere was the band that the crowd wanted to see. Indeed, Downhere got a big standing ovation when their short set was over. Building 429, on the other hand, had almost half the audience walk out during their set.

And that’s a shame because for as good as Downhere is, and as great as their short set was, Building 429 was a lot of fun, and deserved to have more folks stick around to watch them.

Of course, to be fair, I was also one of those people who came just to see Downhere, but figured I’d stick around for Building 429 as a “bonus” concert. I thought I didn’t know that many Building 429 songs, but it turned out I was familiar with about half the songs in their set, which was a pleasant surprise. They were an energetic bunch of guys with an obvious heart for God and ministry. I’m now officially a fan.

The Downhere part of the show was fun because I was live-Twittering before and after their set, which actually got a Twitter response from the band later. Very cool. The guys in Downhere, as they noted on stage, do not take themselves particularly seriously, but they’re a fantastic quartet live (and in studio), and it was a real treat to see such talented musicians play.

Thumbs up.

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Downhere - Unbelievable

These guys are supposed to be coming to Edmonton in August, and I do plan to be there. Here's a classic from their album Wide Eyed and Mystified.

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Friday, April 10, 2009

A Better Way - Downhere

An appropriate song for Good Friday.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Late slip - My favorite Christian albums of 2008

(I meant to write this post, like, three months ago, and just forgot. But what the heck.)

I bought Run Kid Run's "Love At The Core" album yesterday off iTunes, and have been loving it to death for the last 24 hours. That got me thinking of some of my fave Christian music from last year. Looking through my album collection, I'd have to narrow it down to three albums:

Newsboys - Houston, We Are Go
Downhere - Ending is Beginning
Starfield - I Will Go

The Newsboys live album produced what was my favorite song of the year (and, actually, the year before, too, seeing as they've done several versions of it) in "I Am Free." It's a great rocker and it sounds awesome live.

Downhere put together was I think was, front to back, my favorite album of the entire year. It's the album that I can put in my car stereo any time and enjoy it.

But Starfield produced a fantastic album that had my favorite worship song of the year in "Reign In Us." Plus, about half the songs on the album are now part of the worship signing in our church.

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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Downhere - How Many Kings

An appropriate song for the Christmas season.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Downhere - My Last Amen

From the new album, Ending is Beginning.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Christianity Today gives Ending is Beginning 5 stars

See? I told you Downhere's new album is good!

Their best album so far? In many ways, yes, though each Downhere album has had its share of pop/rock highpoints. At the very least, Ending Is Beginning further cements the band's place in Christian music for their artful expressions of our faith. Downhere has hit their stride with this album, and assuming that their following continues to grow, it appears that we can expect continued excellence from them for years to come.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mike's Music Review - Downhere - Ending is Beginning

OK, I promised a review of the album tonight, and circumstances have conspired to make it shorter than I wanted it to be. No song-by-song review. Just some overall thoughts.

It's a fantastic album - sonically and lyrically. I think my favorite song at this point is Don't Miss Now, which has a great piano hook and some stunning harmonies, and actually reminded me of a post-Peter Cetera Chicago song at times.

One thing I noticed listening to it going to work this morning is how some of the songs on Ending is Beginning would have not sounded at all out of place on a Starfield album. (That's a compliment, by the way - to both bands.)

Finally, Chris Sligh has some very kind words about Ending is Beginning. I think, "You must, must, must check out this album" pretty much sums it up.

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Coming tonight

A review of Downhere's Ending is Beginning.

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Music currently on order

Tomorrow is the release of Downhere's new album, Ending is Beginning. I'll be getting that one off iTunes before I head into work tomorrow.

I also have three other albums headed my way in the mail: Skillet's Comatose Come Alive CD/DVD; Newsboys Live: Houston We Are Go CD/DVD; and Toby Mac's Alive and Transported CD/DVD combo.

Hey, I'm a sucker for live concert albums. Plus, I need some concerts to watch on the iPod while we do our long drives to visit family.

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Downhere - The Real Jesus - Live

One of the hidden gems from Downhere's last album, Wide Eyed and Mystified.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

A rave review of Downhere's Ending is Beginning

The album isn't out for another week, but we already have our first rave review of Downhere's latest, Ending is Beginning.

Based on the two songs I've heard in full from the album, and the 30-second snippets now available on iTunes, there's nothing in this review with which I disagree. This is going to be a great record!

Too late update: My review of the album is here.

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Friday, September 5, 2008

Downhere - Ending is Beginning - September 23

Just doing my bit ...

downhere-ending is beginning

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Downhere - A Better Way

One of the greatest songs ever written, in my humble opinion.

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Downhere - The More

Yeah, I've basically turned the blog into a music video reposting service. Consider it a respite between the Learn to Run updates.

And the studio version ...

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Downhere - Here I Am

My current favourite song.

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

More free stuff from Downhere

The Christian band Downhere released their 2006 album Wide Eyed and Mystified entirely free on the Internet a while back. Anyone who took advantage of it got quite the deal, because the album is very good.

The band now has a free song, My Last Amen, off their forthcoming album Ending is Beginning available for download here, and the new single, Here I Am, streaming off their website.

If these two songs are any indication, the new album is going to be great.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Downhere free album download

The Christian band Downhere has offered up their 2006 album, Wide Eyed and Mystified, for a completely free download here. I believe the offer is only good until the end of June.

In my opinion, it's a fine album and well worth downloading. Hey, it's free! If you don't like it, delete it.

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