Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Saturday, November 29, 2008

My brother Dean on stage at the Gemini Awards

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dean Jenkinson - Comedy Now

My brother's episode is up on the Comedy Network website.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

My brother Dean on Comedy Now this week

Dean Jenkinson – Comedy Now!
CTV September 13th 2008 10 P.M.
The Comedy Network September 14th 2008 10 P.M.
30 and 60 minutes respectively
Stand-up comedy fans have a choice on the weekend of September 13th 2008. They can watch the half hour version of Dean Jenkinson ‘s Comedy Now! performance on CTV at 10 on Saturday or they can watch the hour long version on The Comedy Network at 10 on Sunday. Go for the hour: more Dean Jenkinson is a good thing even if he closes with funny songs

Canadian comic Dean Jenkinson is a low key kind of guy and this makes for a conversational, story telling style that works for him and the audience. Being from Winnipeg, he is the only comic I know who has ‘peg material that doesn't put the place down although Manitoba kind of gets it in the end.

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