Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Celebrating Canada Day at the Alberta Legislature

From Canada Day at Alberta Legislature
From Canada Day at Alberta Legislature
From Canada Day at Alberta Legislature
From Canada Day at Alberta Legislature
From Canada Day at Alberta Legislature
From Canada Day at Alberta Legislature
From Canada Day at Alberta Legislature
From Canada Day at Alberta Legislature
From Canada Day at Alberta Legislature
From Canada Day at Alberta Legislature

From Canada Day at Alberta Legislature

Some random thoughts:
  • We got there just as the 21 gun salute started. I should regain my hearing by Canada Day 2012.
  • The marching band was excellent. They started their 30 minute set playing the national anthem (O Canada) and then followed it up with the other national anthem (The Old Hockey Night In Canada Theme).
  • The line to get into the Legislature was enormous. There were thousands of people out.
  • Believe it or not, despite working in the Legislature, I'd never been in the chamber before. I made sure to snap a picture of my boss's seat.
  • People are awe-inspired by the Alberta Legislature. It's a beautiful place.
  • The dog show was tremendously fun. The kids had a blast.
  • Next Canada Day, if you want something to do, go to the Legislature!

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Alberta TV ad


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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bunnies! Camping! Vacation!

Two of the hundreds of "wild" rabbits that roam the Dinosaur RV Campground in Drumheller, where we spent the long weekend.

And some photos from the camping trip:

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Banff panorama

Originally uploaded by mjenkinson

My wife took these pictures last weekend while on a band trip with my older daughter. I put them into a panorama this morning.

EDIT: More! Click the pictures to see larger sizes.

Banff panoramaBanff PanoramaMountainsBanffBanff

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Where to watch UFC shows in Edmonton

Due to the number of Google searches leading to this site that ask a variation of the title question, I provide as a public service this link.

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