Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Midweek random thoughts

  • Of course, because it’s September and the kids are back in school, Edmonton is now being hit with the hottest weather of the entire summer. Just in time for fall. Eh, I’m hardly complaining.
  • It’s been fun to bike to work in this weather. Slightly less fun to bike home from work – I tend to arrive home a dripping wet mess after 60 minutes cycling uphill home.
  • Wipeout is the best show on TV.
  • I’ve been watching Hell’s Kitchen Season 1 on YouTube. It’s interesting to see Gordon Ramsay dialled up to only 85 instead of 110 and a somewhat more human Ramsay in this series than in the later versions. I’m still amazed that every freaking chef on this show smokes!
  • Skillet’s new album is still awesome.



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