Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hell’s Kitchen Season 2

hells-kitchen I’ve been watching the old seasons of Hell’s Kitchen. I’m only 2 episodes into Season 2, and it’s so patently obvious that Heather wins the entire thing. (Um, spoiler alert!)

That’s opposed to Season 1, where Michael’s edit left you thinking he’d probably go far, but

But right off the bat, it’s apparent that Heather is the only person on the entire show who has any idea how a restaurant kitchen works, how to behave in such an environment, and generally knows how to cook.

Maybe during the course of the season she gets yelled at a lot by Chef Ramsay (actually, that’s pretty much a guarantee), but from the get-go, there were no other options for a winner.

More Season 2 thoughts over the coming weeks as I progress through the shows.

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