Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wet and wild - a vacation tale

We arrived back in Edmonton yesterday from two weeks at our cabin north of Winnipeg that were very wet and very cold, with the average daytime high being about 18, and the average daily rainfall being Noah's Ark. (Irony - Headline in Edmonton Journal today: "Worst drought in 30 years.") We got exactly one nice day at the lake, which was the day before we left. We spent almost 6 hours at the beach that day. Nonetheless, it wasn't an entirely miserable time, just a different vacation than what we're used to.

Here's one of my favorite pix from our time away - our friend, the tree squirrel, who would greet us almost every morning looking for peanuts. We also discovered that the ground squirrels would eat all sorts of fruits and vegetables in addition to peanuts - everything from pineapple chunks to broccoli.

From 2009-08-06 Summer Vacation 2009

The advantage of all the cold weather was that it was very windy, which lent itself to kite boarding, which we did not do, but was fun to watch.

From 2009-08-03.1 Summer Vacation 2009

From 2009-08-03.1 Summer Vacation 2009

Near the end of our time at the cabin, a dragonfly showed up on our porch and just hung around for two days. Then he disappeared.

From 2009-08-06 Summer Vacation 2009

Here's a shot down Grand Beach with way fewer people on it than usual.

Finally ... WHO'S AWESOME? YOU'RE AWESOME! (This was just me goofing around while my mom tried to take our picture. The hot babe in the photo is my wife.)



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