Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More Sun cuts - say goodbye to Neil Waugh

I was very saddened today to learn that my former colleague Neil Waugh was cut by the Sun today after a long career there. Neil and I worked together for 10 years at the Sun (including a span where I his editor), and while was an old grump at times, he was our old grump, dammit, and we loved him for it.

Seriously ... beneath his tough exterior, Neil was a great guy to know. He had a steel trap memory for the goings-on in provincial politics, and loved his role as the irascible outsider looking in.

The shocked faces in the press gallery today said it all - he was well loved by his co-workers and colleagues in the media and at the Legislature and he'll be missed. An era has ended at the Alberta Legislature.

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  • Glad to see the old Tory Blow Hard go....Twenty-nine years too long for my taste...Go fishing Neil/..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At March 13, 2009 1:35 PM  

  • A big loss in my opinion. Mr Waugh was always a good read. He was one of the few Sun employees who ever had a good word to say about the "hoodie army" and who acknowledged our contributions and our struggles.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At March 31, 2009 1:25 AM  

  • I can't believe Yukon Jackass draws a paycheck from the Sun while a truly talented man is unemployed.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At March 31, 2009 1:29 AM  

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