Mike Jenkinson's Newsroom

Friday, October 24, 2008

Where to watch UFC in Edmonton

I normally don't post this until Saturday, but my site stats are showing the search strings appearing much earlier than normal, so what the heck. Here's my semi-regular public service posting on where to watch UFC pay-per-views in Edmonton.

I have to say, if the number of search strings looking for info on UFC 90 is indication of overall interest in Anderson Silva versus Patrick Cote, this PPV may do surprisingly good numbers.

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  • I really like this blog, I started a forum, which has a ton of

    information on MMA, the url is http://www.ultimatefightingforumz.com

    . I am not sure you guy have videos yet on this blog for MMA, but I

    would love to help out and provide some for you. My webmaster

    compiled a bunch of video feeds from youtube and other sources, that

    would benefit this blog as well, if you are interested. Thanks again

    and have a great day!

    By Anonymous Scott Johnstone, At November 8, 2008 2:11 AM  

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